Story So Far

Impact 100 London was founded in 2019 by Erica Wax and Lani Martin, with a vision to help marginalised women and girls in the local community, through collective giving.

Using the Impact 100 Model of collective philanthropy, a group of at least 100 people, pool an equal and significant contribution and decide jointly, through a vote at an annual event, on the charity to receive the large grant award for that year.


Together, we are making a significant impact. In just over 3 years, Impact 100 London members (250 cumulatively) have awarded £650,000 in grants to 15 local charities.

Impact 100 London represents a unique and important step forward in philanthropic giving in the UK. Please watch the videos below to find out more about our model of collective philanthropy and meet some of our founding members.


An introduction to Impact 100

Founding Members share testimonies


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead


This is a 100% volunteer organisation. 100% of members’ £1000 donation to the grant fund goes directly to grant recipients. Read the full Leadership Team bios here.

You can find out more about our mission, vision and model for collective philanthropy here.